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Amber Ray, recently discussed her personality and the role relationships play in her life. In a candid interview with her manager, Antonio the MC, on the YouTube channel Afri Vega, Amber opened up about her relationship with Kennedy Rapudo, the father of her second-born daughter. CHECK OUT: I waited for Amber Ray for two years […]

President William Ruto last week named 10 Cabinet secretaries, with a promise to name additional nominees soon. Today he has done so, with a cabinet that includes some Azimio officials and 5 CSes recycled from the previously dismissed Cabinet. The additional nominees are: 1. NATIONAL TREASURY & ECONOMIC PLANNING – John Mbadi2. INVESTMENTS, TRADE & […]

We must put an end to the threats against journalists. Harassment, censorship, and physical attacks must stop immediately. Journalists are being targeted while covering protests and this is unacceptable. Protect press freedom in Kenya! No journalist should ever be killed or injured in the line of duty. They are the voice of the people, and […]

A prison guard who had a child with a convicted armed robber has avoided a jail sentence. Rachel Stanton, 31, admitted to misconduct in public office after engaging in a relationship with Edwin Poole while he was serving a 10-and-a-half-year sentence. Their relationship was discovered when intimate photos and a love letter were found in […]

William Ruto has ordered the immediate release of individuals who were peacefully protesting in various parts of Nairobi yesterday. In a national address today, President Ruto expressed condolences to the families who lost loved ones. He directed that those who were inadvertently caught in the events be released and charges against them dropped. Regrettably, there […]

Kenyan digital creator and entrepreneur Khalif Kairo has come forward to support the newly appointed cabinet secretary for defense, replacing Aden Duale. In a statement on his social media platform, Kairo defended Soipan, emphasizing her qualifications and leadership experience, urging against dismissing her based on gender. “I’ve taken the time to learn about Soipan’s journey, […]

Twitter bigwig Kimuzi opened up a Twitter space to get people’s opinions on the recently released Cabinet list. The list is covered below where there were 7 out of 20 Cabinet Secretaries who were recycled from the old Cabinet.   Kenyans on Twitter were apparently not happy about this and this is not a good […]

Image: Kenyan blogger, Robert Alai Robert Alai is an activist-turned-MCA who built a name for himself opposing the government every step of the way. However, in a surprising twist, during the most recent protests, he appears to have taken the stance that we need to stop the protests to give the government a chance to […]

Pastor Victor Kanyari of the Salvation Healing Ministry in Nairobi has made new claims, asserting that he is the only pastor with numerous divine permissions from God. CHECK OUT: Sonko and Kanyari clash on TikTok live as former governor accuses man of God of being a homosexual In a video circulating on social media, Kanyari […]

Kenyan actress and media personality Wilbroda recently opened up about being pursued by a younger individual. In an interview with Obinna, she revealed that a young man has shown interest in her, but she isn’t keen on pursuing a relationship with him due to his desire for more children, something she has decided against. CHECK […]

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