Is there a case for black skepticism of white motivations in today’s America?

Written by on April 14, 2023

In this episode, Andre and Todd discuss their different views on the threat of racial violence, whether anyone is capable of being pushed to violence, what’s behind the caution that Andre brings to Black-white relationships, and how canceling each other’s views and experiences impedes our ability to have open, honest conversations about race.

window.REBELMOUSE_ACTIVE_TASKS_QUEUE.push(function bootRpm(){
const INTERNAL_CLASS_PREFIXES = ["tag-", "post-section-", "rm-fl-"];

function filterOutNoisyClassNames(className) {
function doesClassNameStartWithPrefix(badPrefix) {
return className.indexOf(badPrefix) === 0;

return !INTERNAL_CLASS_PREFIXES.some(doesClassNameStartWithPrefix);

function signatureMaker(id, tagName, classList) {
const cleanClassList = classList.filter(filterOutNoisyClassNames).sort();
return [id, tagName, cleanClassList . . .

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