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(Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky/Facebook) Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelensky condemned NATO’s decision to rule out the implementation of a no-fly zone over the country. “NATO has deliberately decided not to cover the skies over Ukraine,” Zelensky said in a Facebook address late on Friday. “We believe that NATO countries have . . .

MinnPost photo by Peter Callaghan There has always been a certain amount of moonshine built into the idea that the United States is a “democracy,” or even, as it is sometimes called, a “democratic republic.” The second term adds to the moonshine quotient, as illustrated by the fact that many dictatorships have decided to refer […]

The company and law firm names shown above are generated automatically based on the text of the article. We are improving this feature as we continue to test and develop in beta. We welcome feedback, which you can provide using the feedback tab on the right of the page. WASHINGTON, Nov 15 (Reuters) – Former […]

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