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The US Atlantic coast has become a breeding ground for super-charged hurricanes which are likely to batter coastal communities even harder if the world remains hooked on fossil fuels, a new study found. Global heating caused by greenhouse gas emissions from burning oil, gas and coal is the main factor contributing to increasingly severe storms […]

KARACHI, Pakistan—In this part of the world, the monsoon is feted, greeted with song and dance, enshrined in poetry, featured in romantic fantasy. A celebratory menu even exists for the season: in the cities, vegetables deep-fried in chickpea-flour batter, corn on the cob roasted over glowing embers; in the villages, mushrooms stir-fried with fenugreek, spiced […]

September 26, 2022 As co-Chairs of the Senate NATO Observer Group, Shaheen and Tillis have led action in the U.S. Senate to support NATO enlargement and ensure continued U.S. support for Ukraine. (Washington, DC) – Today, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations and Armed Services Committees, and U.S. […]

The Atlantic is pushing aggressively into film and TV projects as part of a wider licensing revenue push. Why it matters: The company, which . . .

Once upon a time, not a blade of grass could be found on this planet we call home. There were no verdant meadows, no golden prairies, no sunbaked savannas, and certainly no lawns. Only in the past 80 million years—long after the appearance of mosses, trees, and flowers—did the first shoots of grass emerge. We […]

This week, the world rightfully celebrates Nelson Mandela—a rare leader and a rarer human being. Not only did he have the singular willpower to unite the world behind the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, but he also had the moral fortitude to stay true to his morals and ideals while doing so. But Mandela, […]

When I first arrived in South Africa, in 2009, it still felt as if a storm had just swept through. For most of the 20th century, the country was the world’s most fastidiously organized white-supremacist state. And then, in one election, in 1994, it became the first modern nation where people of color who’d been […]

Fed up with Boris Johnson, Britain needs a new prime minister. It’s so fed up, in fact, that the next prime minister may look nothing like Johnson—that is, white, male, privately educated. The last time the Conservatives held a leadership contest, in 2019, the field of 10 contenders contained just one person of an ethnic-minority […]

This is an edition of The Atlantic Daily, a newsletter that guides you through the biggest stories of the day, helps you discover new ideas, and recommends the best in culture. Sign up for it here. I’m a conservative (or what used to be called a conservative) who always thought Roe v. Wade was the […]

Small, lively and threatened, the golden lion tamarin is a primate species found only in the Atlantic Forest and which today is struggling for space and connectivity inside Brazil’s most deforested and fragmented biome. There are four species of lion tamarin (Leontopithecus spp.) in Brazil, but the golden lion tamarin (L. rosalia) was the first […]

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