
Photo courtesy of Sen. Bob Casey’s office Erin Willman, founder and CEO of White Cane Coffee, testified before the U.S. Senate Select Committee on Aging Thursday. That committee is chaired by, right, Sen. Bob Casey. Testimony in legislative hearings isn’t always interesting and engaging. That wasn’t the case on Thursday, though, […]

Story by David Beard, The Dominion Post CHARLESTON, W.Va. — The House Education Committee advanced tweaked versions of two Senate bills on Friday – one regarding the U.S. motto and one enabling the teaching of Intelligent Design. The delegates also moved a House bill to crack down on drunk bus drivers. Mike Pushkin SB 152, […]

WASHINGTON — In a single week, the Republican chairs of three House committees announced they would not be seeking reelection, raising questions about whether the chaos that has reigned this Congress is driving out some of the GOP’s top talent. What makes the retirements particularly noteworthy is that none of the chairs were at risk […]

A Louisiana legislative committee advanced a congressional redistricting plan Thursday with two majority-Black districts after making substantial changes to the original version of the proposal.  The House and Governmental Affairs Committee approved the Senate Bill 8 by Sen. Glen Womack, R-Harrisonburg, on a 14-1 vote after adopting the amendments without objection. The alterations include splitting […]

UNESCO’s Routes of Enslaved Peoples Project committee held is first meeting is North America last week at the Hotel Atlantic in Halifax. Photo: Matthew Byard A scientific committee with the United Nations heard a presentation about why Africville should be designated as an UNESCO international site of historic memory. The committee with The Routes of […]

In Central African Republic (CAR), 1 million people have been displaced by ongoing conflict. The International Rescue Committee has assisted CAR throughout its current crisis despite the high risk to aid workers. We provide medical care, water and sanitation services, and protection for vulnerable women and girls. Source link

ASSESSING THE DEPARTMENT OF STATE’S STRA…  Senate Foreign Relations Committee Source link

November 30,2023 Washington, D.C. – Senate Finance Chairman Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and U.S. Representative Earl Blumenauer, D-Ore., a senior member of the Ways and Means Committee, today reintroduced legislation to put a stop to unfair and outdated federal alcohol taxes on kombucha companies in Oregon and across the country. “Kombucha is not the same as […]

Photos: YouTube Screenshots New York – Last Week, the United Nations Human Rights Committee issued its conclusions and recommendations based on a review of  U.S. compliance with the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). This was its first review in nine years, and, for the first time ever, the committee recommended that the […]

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