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U.S. Congressional Black Caucus applauds Dr. Ali’s vision, voice in international diplomacy – News Room Guyana Home International

July 25, 2022 This U.S. Women, Peace, and Security Congressional Report is the second report on the U.S. Department of State’s ongoing implementation of the Women, Peace, and Security Strategy. This report covers Fiscal Year 2021. To view the first report which covers Fiscal Years 2019 and . . .

The U.S. Supreme Court on Tuesday put on hold a lower court ruling that Louisiana must draw new congressional districts before the 2022 elections to increase Black voting power. As a result, Louisiana’s November congressional elections will be held using a Republican-drawn map with white majorities in five of six districts. The high court’s ruling […]

Congressional Candidate: US Hasn’t Done Enough to Prevent War in Ukraine  Voice of America – VOA News Source link

Read a PDF of our statement here. WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the U.S. Supreme Court granted Louisiana’s bid to temporarily halt a district court ruling that had required the state to redraw its new congressional map to comply with the Voting Rights Act. Justices Sotomayor, Breyer, and Kagan dissented from the stay. During a week-long […]

U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, a Denver Democrat, and U.S. Rep. Ken Buck, a Windsor Republican, sailed to victories Tuesday over first-time candidates in their respective primaries in Colorado.  DeGette, who has represented the Denver-based 1st Congressional District since 1996, fended off a spirited challenge from Neal Walia, who ran against the incumbent from the left, […]

In a brief order, the court said that it would wait to act on the merits of the case until it has decided a similar dispute out of Alabama that is set to be argued next term. The three liberal justices, Stephen Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, dissented. The now-blocked map had passed in […]

Today, Gov. John Bel Edwards issued the following statement on the failure of the Louisiana Legislature to draw a second majority African-American congressional district as ordered by the U.S. Middle District court. Gov. Edwards said: “It is disappointing that after every opportunity to do the right thing and create a second majority African-American Congressional district […]

WASHINGTON, June 14 (Reuters) – The House of Representatives committee investigating the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on U.S. Capitol said on Tuesday it had postponed a hearing scheduled with officials from ex-President Donald Trump’s Justice Department but would go ahead with one set for Thursday focused on ex-Vice President Mike Pence. The committee said its […]

Congressional Republicans have effectively obstructed President Joe Biden’s $22.5 billion request for more Covid relief funds by demanding a full accounting of how previous Covid appropriations have been spent. In doing so, they’re implying the appropriations haven’t been spent appropriately. Being hawks about the budget during a pandemic has consequences. A White House official said […]

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