
A truck with humanitarian aid drives down the ramp from the MV Benavides onto the roll-on/roll-off discharge facility (RRDF) platform about two miles off the Gaza coast on May 17, 2024. US Navy Photo A U.S. soldier assigned to the Gaza pier mission was seriously injured on Thursday and medically evacuated to Israel, two defense […]

Three US service members were injured, one critically, during a nonmilitary operation on a Gaza pier on Thursday, according to a report. The troops had been working to deliver humanitarian aid in Gaza, US Vice Admiral Brad Cooper, deputy commander of US Central Command told Reuters. Three US service members were hurt, including one suffering […]

CANBERRA, Australia (AP) — A United States Marines Corps aircraft crashed on a north Australian island Sunday, injuring 23 Marines, several critically, officials said. Five of the injured were flown 80 kilometers (50 miles) from Melville Island to the mainland city of Darwin for hospital treatment, Northern Territory Police Commissioner Michael Murphy said around six […]

There are only 740 eastern black rhinoceroses left in the wild A critically-endangered subspecies of rhinoceros gave birth to a calf at the Kansas City Zoo on December 31, People said in a report. In a Facebook post, the Missouri-based establishment announced the birth of a critically endangered eastern black rhinoceros calf, saying that they […]

Photo courtesy UC Davis All West Coast abalone species are listed as critically endangered (red, white, black, green, pink, and flat abalone) or endangered (northern abalone, also known as threaded/pinto abalone) by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List of Threatened Species. These listings were based on a West Coast abalones assessment […]

The Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens announced the birth on Thursday in a Facebook post. The zoo said the primate, born to parents Hendricks and Hemsworth, is the second blue-eyed black lemur born at the facility. Zoo visitors won’t be able to catch a glimpse of the newborn lemur just yet, as it will remain in […]

In her third book, God Is a Black Woman, social psychologist and theologian Christena Cleveland invites us to accompany her on a journey. Actually – three journeys.  The first is her physical journey across France as she visits over a dozen Black Madonnas. The second is her spiritual journey away from the confining, punishing “whitemalegod” […]

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