
Rhode Island voters could make history Tuesday by electing the state’s first Black representative to Congress or return the seat last held by Republicans in the 1990s to a GOP candidate. Democrat Gabe Amo and Republican Gerry Leonard are vying for Rhode Island’s 1st Congressional District seat. The winner will fill the office left vacant […]

Nov. 3, 1868 A campaign flier from the 1868 presidential election promoting the candidacy of Ulysses S. Grant for president and Schuyler Colfax for vice president. Credit: Wikimedia Commons In the first presidential race in the wake of the Civil War, newly enfranchised Black men in the South cast their first ballots. Their 700,000 votes […]

The News South Carolina Democrats elected Christale Spain, the former executive director of the state Democratic Party, as state party chair at their convention on Saturday. She ran with the backing of the party’s top brass, including Representative James E. Clyburn, and will be the first Black woman to lead the state party. Why It […]

RICHMOND, Va. — Virginia voters on Tuesday elected Democrat Jennifer McClellan, a veteran state legislator from Richmond, to fill an open seat in the U.S. House of Representatives, where she will make history as the first Black woman to represent the state in Congress. “We will make this commonwealth and this country a better place […]

Feb 21 (Reuters) – Voters in Virginia’s fourth U.S. House of Representatives district go to the polls on Tuesday for a special election in which Democratic state Senator Jennifer McClellan is favored to win, a victory that would make her the first Black congresswoman from the state. “It blows my mind that we’re still having […]

WASHINGTON — U.S. House Republicans’ stalemate over who should lead the chamber for the next two years dragged on Wednesday, with Kevin McCarthy failing to get the votes needed to become speaker on two more ballots.  The second day of floor votes saw 21 GOP lawmakers vote against the California congressman, despite ongoing efforts to […]

by Holly Hazard Representative Donald McEachin (D-VA04), who died earlier this week at the age of 61, represented the best of Virginia. He was compassionate, thoughtful, and committed to issues of equity and justice. He was only the third African-American man to represent Virginia in the U.S. House of Representatives, where he proudly . . […]

WASHINGTON, Nov 30 (Reuters) – Democrats in the U.S. House of Representatives were poised on Wednesday to pass their leadership baton to a younger generation, marking the end of the Nancy Pelosi era and the widely anticipated opening of Hakeem Jeffries’ party rule. Jeffries, a 52-year-old New Yorker, is running for House Democratic leader for […]

Rex Richardson will be the first Black mayor of Long Beach. He made history on Tuesday after his runoff opponent, Suzie Price, conceded and cleared the path for Richardson to become the city’s first Black leader. “The city is special and … not often you hear stories like mine, where someone can come here as […]

BALTIMORE — A week after bruising losses for anti-abortion forces in the midterm elections, America’s Roman Catholic bishops rededicated themselves to ending abortion and elected a slate of new leaders to support that goal during their annual meeting on Tuesday. The job ahead is “perhaps even more massive than we thought,” said Archbishop William E. […]

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