
International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director Kristalina Georgieva speaks during a briefing on the Global Policy Agenda at IMF headquarters during the IMF/World Bank Spring Meetings in Washington, DC on April 18, 2024. Mandel Ngan | Afp | Getty Images Kristalina Georgieva, the managing director of the International Monetary Fund, played down the prospect of […]

Senate negotiators have agreed to empower the US to significantly restrict illegal migrant crossings at the southern border, according to sources familiar with the matter, a move aimed at ending the migrant surge that has overrun federal authorities over the past several months. President Joe Biden has . . .

A bipartisan group of senators has agreed on a compromise to crack down on the surge of migrants across the United States border with Mexico, including reducing the number who are allowed to live and work in the country temporarily, but a final deal depends on resolving critical funding disputes. Much of the recent haggling […]

This article, which examines Argentina’s approach to Ukraine and China, is part of an ongoing series on U.S. statecraft and the Global South developed by the Carnegie Endowment’s American Statecraft Program. For other articles in the series, click here. Argentina strives for a foreign policy of equidistance and generally resents perceived attempts by the United […]

The Defense Department remains committed to strengthening its technical advantage in a strategic environment that is increasingly being shaped by high-tech competition, a senior Pentagon policy official said yesterday. Mara E. Karlin, performing the duties of deputy undersecretary of defense for policy, said DOD’s ability to accelerate innovation and adoption of key technologies is […]

Weeks after the World Health Organisation (WHO) declared that Covid-19 was no longer a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, the WHO Director-general Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus at the 76th world health assembly said that the threat from Covid-19 or from other pandemics was not over. He said, “The end of Covid-19 as a global […]

Art Market Ayanna Dozier Installation view of Independent New York, 2019. Photo by Etienne Frossard. Courtesy of Peres Projects and Independent New York. April showers bring May flowers…and the New York art fairs. Spread over two weeks, New York Art Week 2023 will provide ample opportunity for audiences to visit several staggering fairs, auctions, and […]

Surrey, B.C. foodies say they’ve long been singing the praises of the city’s culinary scene and are glad to finally see it gain international recognition. Food & Wine Magazine, an American publication targeting gourmands, has named Surrey as one of seven “next great food cities” in its May 2023 issue.  B.C.’s fastest-growing city, located just east of Vancouver, was […]

Disclaimer: Early release articles are not considered as final versions. Any changes will be reflected in the online version in the month the article is officially released. Author affiliations: Yale School of Public Health, New Haven, Connecticut, USA (C.M. Okafor, L. Niccolai, J. Hadler); Connecticut Emerging Infections Program, New Haven (P. Clogher, D. Olson, […]

Since identification of SARS-CoV-2 and the ensuing pandemic, epidemiologic studies have shown that COVID-19 outcomes are less severe among children than adults (1–8). Conclusions drawn from published studies on COVID-19 prevalence in the pediatric population have varied (5,9–16), possibly because of differences in mitigation measures, community transmission rates, and case ascertainment practices . . .

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