
Published 10-25-23 Submitted by Black & Veatch By Laszlo von Lazar, Black & Veatch Megatrends compounding challenges of an already complex, evolving U.S. electric sector are stoking an urgent call for changes. More companies and communities are pursuing clean energy and transportation solutions to serve their near-term decarbonization goals, stoking the need for practical, tactical […]

WASHINGTON, DC — The March on Washington of 1963 is remembered most for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech — and thus as a crowning moment for the long-term civil rights activism of what is sometimes referred to as the “Black Church.” At the march, King indeed represented numerous other […]

The March on Washington of 1963 is remembered most for the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech — and thus as a crowning moment for the long-term civil rights activism of what is sometimes referred to as the “Black Church.” At the march, King indeed represented numerous other Black clergy who […]

Just as state leaders call for a cooling of tensions between the U.S. and China, it seems the temperature only continues to climb. In mid-June, Secretary of State Anthony Blinken visited President Xi Jinping to discuss relations and conflict aversion. But soon after, President Biden made remarks at a campaign reception saying that President Xi was upset […]

Today Today, NOAA Corps officers have their blue Coast Guard-inspired ODUs, khakis, dress blues, and dress whites. The uniforms and insignia of the NOAA Corps and its predecessors may have changed with the times, but they remain symbols of the Corps’ honor, respect, and commitment to serving the nation and NOAA.   Source link

Alyssa Thompson has English class on Wednesdays. Nothing unusual about that, a lot of high school students have English class on Wednesday. What is unique is that she’s the only one in her class who has been excused to play professional soccer. “I still got my work done,” said Thompson, a senior at

An international team of scientists who analyzed centuries-old DNA from victims and survivors of the Black Death pandemic has identified key genetic differences that determined who lived and who died, and how those aspects of our immune systems have continued to evolve since that time. Researchers from McMaster University, the University of Chicago, the Pasteur […]

An international team of scientists who analyzed centuries-old DNA from victims and survivors of the Black Death pandemic has identified key genetic differences that determined who lived and who died, and how those aspects of our immune systems have continued to evolve since that time. Researchers from McMaster University, the University of Chicago, the Pasteur […]

BERLIN — Keira D’Amato was on I-95, driving north to catch a flight out of Dulles Airport. The American women’s marathon record holder was on her way to Berlin . She wondered what she forgot. She is an anxious packer, she said. But she was still excited. She has run the Berlin Marathon before. She […]

In 2013, a month after the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut, a group of Black pastors and other activists visited the Obama White House to press the administration to do more to prevent gun violence in communities of color. Obama had just released his post-Newtown gun violence prevention plan, which

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