
To play this content, please enable JavaScript, or try a different browser Video caption, ‘Almost hit my son’ – Space junk crashes through Florida homeArticle information Author, Rachel Looker Role, BBC News, Washington 1 hour ago A Florida family whose home was hit by space debris earlier this year is seeking compensation from US space […]

Image By: Richard Pazdur, MD, Director, Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE), and Rea Blakey, Associate Director for External Outreach and Engagement, OCE  If you’ve ever heard the inspirational quote, “Be the change you wish to see,” the U.S. Food and Drug Administration Oncology Center of Excellence (OCE) has an opportunity for you. Join the “4th […]

US Representative Byron Donalds, speaking Tuesday at a Black voter outreach event for former President Donald Trump, sparked immediate backlash from top Black Democratic officials by saying, “During Jim Crow the Black family was together” and “America, Joe Biden’s campaign is lying to you once again. And they’re gaslighting.” But later defended his speech, saying […]

CNN By Eric Bradner, CNN (CNN) — Florida Rep. Byron Donalds, a Republican who is seen as a potential running mate for Donald Trump, is defending himself amid Democratic criticism of comments he’d made Tuesday suggesting that Black families were “together” during the Jim Crow era of racial segregation. Donalds’ comments, which come as Trump’s campaign seeks […]

US Representative Byron Donalds, speaking Tuesday at a Black voter outreach event for former President Donald Trump, sparked immediate backlash from top Black Democratic officials by saying, “During Jim Crow the Black family was together” and “America, Joe Biden’s campaign is lying to you once again. And they’re gaslighting.” But later defended his speech, saying […]

Updated May 17, 2024 at 14:19 PM ET Roger Fortson, a U.S. airman who was shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy earlier this month, will be laid to rest on Friday in Atlanta. The service, at 11 a.m. ET, was being streamed online for the public. But, for the family . . .

For Hawaii native Mariel Galdiano, life as a full-time professional golfer means less in-person family time than she’d like. And while her primary support system is always a phone call away, it can be hard to be separated from those who love and support her the most. But next week, at the U.S. Women’s Open […]

Updated May 17, 2024 at 14:19 PM ET Roger Fortson, a U.S. airman who was shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy earlier this month, will be laid to rest on Friday in Atlanta. The service, at 11 a.m. ET, was being streamed online for the public. But, for . . .

On Friday, Alexander’s family filed a federal lawsuit in the District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania against Delaware County, as well as the estates of the detectives and prosecutors on the case, calling their conduct “outrageous, malicious, wanton, willful, reckless and intentionally designed to inflict harm.” “They murdered my brother. That’s what they […]

Updated May 17, 2024 at 14:19 PM ET Roger Fortson, a U.S. airman who was shot and killed by a sheriff’s deputy earlier this month, will be laid to rest on Friday in Atlanta. The service, at 11 a.m. ET, was being streamed online for the public. But, for . . .

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