
Diversity has never been talked about so much in the legal profession. Even 10 years ago the idea that almost every major firm would employ senior people to address the issue internally would have felt strange. But there is a danger that the increased dialogue has a downside. There is a fear among some in […]

Geneva, 13 September 2022 (ICRC/IFRC) – The warning lights are flashing on high: armed conflict, climate-related emergencies, economic hardship and political obstacles are leading to a growing wave of hunger in countries around the world. The misery for millions will deepen without immediate urgent action. Systems-level improvements must be made to escape a cycle of […]

Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic found that nearly two-thirds of people are fatigued, and about half experience sleep disruption months after an acute COVID-19 infection. Moderate-to-severe sleep disruption is three times more common among Black people after recovering from COVID-19. Anxiety is also linked to increased long COVID sleep disruption. The study emphasizes the need […]

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