
U.S. tries to downplay role in Haiti, but it’s hard to hide the planes  The Washington Post Source link

WASHINGTON — On a Friday evening last January, Gen. Glen VanHerck, the Air Force commander in charge of defending American airspace from intrusion, called President Joe Biden’s top military adviser, Gen. Mark Milley. U.S. intelligence officials had just notified the general that for roughly 10 days they had been tracking a mysterious — and enormous […]

America’s Department of Justice “has finally posted what judge Amit Mehta described at the Google search antitrust trial as an ’embarrassing’ exhibit that Google tried to hide from the public,” reports Ars Technica: The document in question contains meeting notes that Google’s vice president for finance, Michael Roszak, “created for a course on communications,”

CNN  —  A Vermont artist has lost his legal battle to force a law school to display a mural that portrays enslaved Black people in a style critics have called “cartoonish” and “racist.” Sam Kerson, 76, a multi-disciplinary artist and theater director who says his work focuses on social justice, sued the Vermont Law and Graduate […]

NEW YORK, July 5 (Reuters) – U.S. stocks’ tendency to move in sync has plunged to near-record lows, but what might seem like a stock picker’s dream may actually be a mirage, and investors may be in for a rude awakening. S&P 500 correlation – a gauge of herd behavior, which measures how closely daily […]

It was a hot, humid day when I decided it was time for the Big Chop. My body wanted to go home, but my heart guided me to the Dominican barbershop in my neighbourhood in New York instead. The man sitting in a blue folding chair out front eyed me curiously as I approached. I’d […]

In the rotating restaurant at the top of the Strat hotel and casino, guests can once again enjoy $20 cocktails or a $90 shellfish display for two while taking in the expansive views of downtown Las Vegas from its landmark tower. After the Covid shutdown, Vegas is back in business. But not everyone seems happy, […]

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