
Investigation and Results Index Patient Notification In July 2022, the Minnesota Department of Health was notified of a man aged 29 years who was hospitalized with fever, severe myalgias, periorbital edema, eosinophilia, and other laboratory abnormalities (Table); health care providers suspected trichinellosis. The patient had sought care for his symptoms, which commenced in early July, […]

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador has responded to an investigation by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists and its media partners that documented nearly 19,000 migrants’ journeys to the U.S. border under dangerous conditions. López Obrador, speaking in Spanish, described the smuggling of migrants through Mexico in cargo trucks as “very unfortunate,” but avoided […]

Discrimination and violence against LGBTI people were widespread and anti-LGBTI legislation increased. Bills were introduced to address reparations regarding slavery and its legacies. Multiple states implemented total bans on abortion or severely limited access to it. Gender-based violence disproportionately affected Indigenous women. Access to the USA for asylum seekers and migrants was still fraught with […]

The U.S. State Department said in a new report that the conflict between Israel and Hamas “continues to raise deeply troubling concerns for human rights,” pointing to alleged violations in Israel, the West Bank and Gaza, and

We now know who will be on board for Blue Origin’s first crewed spaceflight since August 2022. Today (April 4), Jeff Bezos’ company announced the six crewmembers for the NS-25 space tourism mission, which will lift off from

Racism continued to drive state violence. Mass killings by public security officials were frequent, disproportionately affecting Black people in marginalized neighbourhoods. Cis and transgender women, especially Black women, were targets of various forms of violence. In an election year, the dissemination of fake news and statements by President Bolsonaro incited politically motivated violence, threatened state […]

MAJORITY LEADER MCCONNELL & THE SENATE MUST PASS THE GEORGE FLOYD JUSTICE IN POLICING ACT Following the killing of Michael Brown, an 18-year-old Black man, by police officer Darren Wilson in Ferguson, Missouri on August 9, 2014, Amnesty International launched an investigation into laws governing use of lethal force by police in the United States. […]

Human Rights First (HRF), an organization dedicated to safeguarding human rights in the US, published Monday a fact sheet outlining the findings of an investigation into US border and asylum policies. The investigation ultimately revealed ways in which the policies are harmful to Black asylum seekers. The fact sheet indicated that the recently enacted asylum […]

The state of Oregon in the United States has reported the first case of the Bubonic Plague, infamously known as the Black Death. According to a report by news agency AP, public health officials of the state have reported a case of Bubonic Plague, first time since 2015, in a local resident who they said […]

Senators overwhelmingly reject the resolution, which could have imposed conditions on billions the US sends Israel. The United States Senate has rejected a resolution seeking to impose conditions on security assistance to Israel. Senators overwhelmingly voted against the motion late on Tuesday. It would have demanded that security aid to Israel be frozen unless the […]

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