
Invasive species are costing the world at least $423bn every year and have become a leading threat to the diversity of life on Earth, according to a UN assessment. From a news report: From invasive mice that eat seabird chicks in their nests to non-native grasses that helped fuel and intensify last month’s deadly fires […]

An invasive hornet species was spotted this month in the United States for the first time, and state officials in Georgia, fearing it could harm the agriculture industry, said they were working with federal officials and academic experts to eradicate it. A beekeeper in Savannah, Ga., discovered an unusual insect on his property and reported […]

A new invasive species has been spotted in the U.S. for the first time. A living yellow-legged hornet, also known as an Asian hornet, was detected in Georgia, which state officials say could cause damage to its agricultural industry if left uncontrolled. The Georgia Department of Agriculture said Tuesday the discovery has the potential to […]

Many kinds of harmful invasive species enter and spread throughout the United States  on land or in water through various pathways. Non-native plants, animals, algae, fungus, or disease-causing microorganisms are capable of causing severe damage to the economy, environment and human health, once they invade enough area outside their normal habitat, according to the U.S. […]

She was reported to the police for spraying invasive lanternflies. Now she’s been honored by Yale  CNN Source link

The black carp, one of four invasive species of carp in North America, has made it into the Mississippi River basin. A new multi-year report from the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) found the range of black carp in the Mississippi River basin now includes the entirety of the Mississippi River between New Orleans and the […]

Black carp, which are an invasive fish species in North America, are now known to be established in the wild in parts of the Mississippi River basin. A new study co-authored by the U.S. Geological Survey is the first to identify an established population — meaning they are naturally reproducing and . . .

Invasive earthworms are taking over forests in parts of the U.S. and Canada  NPR Source link

Ecologists Andrew Davis and Benjamin Frick have crisscrossed the United States studying everything from monarch butterflies to house finches. But when a giant, neon-yellow spider arrived in the U.S. state of Georgia, the team got to observe a fascinating invasive . . .

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