
African American literature stands as a testament to resilience, identity, and the power of storytelling within the Black community. As we celebrate Black History Month, it’s essential to reflect on the profound significance of this literary tradition. From the earliest narratives penned during the era of slavery to contemporary works that explore the complexities of […]

“Why are these books here?” asks Thelonious “Monk” Ellison, the writer protagonist of the film American Fiction, as he points to four novels stacked neatly on the shelf of a chain bookstore. The name Ellison sticks out from their spines. Monk wants to know why his Greek-tragedy-inspired novels are housed not in “Mythology” but in […]

Words Without Borders, one of the few magazines in the world dedicated to literature in translation, is turning 20 at a fraught time: Around the world, wars are raging. Writers are being jailed, dissident voices silenced and books banned. As the magazine’s staff considered its anniversary celebrations — a virtual gala on Nov. 2, following […]

Ward is classically beautiful — delicate and golden-skinned with her hair hanging in long curls. She is friendly and open yet reserved. Her face is unlined, making her appear much younger than her 46 years. But there are occasions when she sets her jaw and fixes to speak, and you find that she has the […]

The Norwegian novelist, poet and playwright Jon Fosse — who has found a growing audience in the English-speaking world for novels that grapple with themes of aging, mortality, love and art — was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature on Thursday, “for his innovative plays and prose which give voice to the unsayable.” A prolific […]

Narratives about prodigal children generally have reconciliation as their goal; this typically involves repentance followed by unconditional forgiveness. In Berriault’s hands, such forgiveness isn’t on the table. “What the hell else did you do with your life?” Eli’s father wants to know. “I wrecked it,” Eli replies. “Well now you see you got sick,” his […]

Overview of included studies Following removal of duplicates, 3228 records were identified from the database searches and screened for inclusion. A total of 173 conference abstracts were identified and screened during the supplemental search. In total, 95 records reporting on 86 unique studies met the eligibility criteria for the SLR. Of these, race and survival […]

Arts and entertainment  |  UW Notebook May 5, 2023 This week, attend the lecture on censorship and modern Chinese literature, learn ways to assist community building in the face of long-haul trans survival, join in on the Indigenous writing and storytelling series and more. May 8, 5:00 – 8:00 PM |

But the market’s recent call for more representation has produced troubling new tropes. In various forms, successful novels will center the encounter between a Black protagonist and a white social environment. In “Such a Fun Age” and “Luster,” a protagonist enters into white domestic space, unsettling the privileged lives of their white female counterparts. In […]

But the market’s recent call for more representation has produced troubling new tropes. In various forms, successful novels will center the encounter between a Black protagonist and a white social environment. In “Such a Fun Age” and “Luster,” a protagonist enters into white domestic space, unsettling the privileged lives of their white female counterparts. In […]

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