
AP Jimmy Carter and Kim Il-sung aboard the North Korean ruling family yacht Three decades ago, the world was on the brink of a nuclear showdown – until Jimmy Carter showed up in North Korea. In June 1994, the former US president arrived for talks in Pyongyang with then leader Kim Il-sung. It was unprecedented, […]

By Mel Gurtov\PeaceVoice Photos: YouTube Screenshots\Wikimedia Commons In his novel The Plot Against America, Philip Roth depicts the rise to the presidency in the late 1930s of Charles Lindbergh, the pilot who made the first transatlantic solo flight. Lindbergh made several trips to Nazi Germany and “expressed quite openly his high regard for Hitler, calling Germany […]

THE annual haute couture fundraising fashion festival known as the Met Gala has revealed its theme for 2025 — Superfine: Tailoring Black Style. Here we take a look at what that means and who the co-chairs are. 4 The Met Gala theme is Superfine: Tailoring Black Style.Credit: Rex 4 The theme focuses on the influence […]

The exhibition will be arranged by 12 characteristics of Black dandyism, an organizational principle informed by a 1934 Zora Neale Hurston essay, “The Characteristics of Negro Expression.” The sections will tell the story of the Black dandy’s evolution over time via not just garments and accessories, but a range of media that includes drawings, paintings, […]

Former President Donald J. Trump claimed during the presidential debate on Thursday that immigrants entering the United States illegally were taking “Black jobs” and “Hispanic jobs,” a claim with little basis that Democrats immediately seized on as evidence that Mr. Trump and Republicans were not serious about cultivating support from voters of color. It also […]

A blunt, gut-twisting work of speculative fiction, “Civil War” opens with the United States at war with itself — literally, not just rhetorically. In Washington, D.C., the president is holed up in the White House; in a spookily depopulated New York, desperate people wait for water rations. It’s the near-future, and rooftop snipers, suicide bombers […]

Eva Hambach/AFP/Getty Images/File This March 12, 2022, aerial image shows the Pentagon in Washington, DC. CNN  —  United States and Chinese officials met Monday and Tuesday at the Pentagon to discuss relations between the two countries, the Pentagon announced in a news release on Tuesday, including military-to-military communication and the “importance of operational safety across […]

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