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Several senior U.S. national security officials are headed to Europe this weekend to try to reassure nervous allies that the United States will continue leading the free world and that Washington can still function. But why should they believe it? Despite the Biden team’s hopeful rhetoric, they have no way to promise that the United […]

In January 2019, I made a trip to Accra, Ghana, for what would be my last visit to my grandmother. She was 84 at the time and had broken her hip in a fall the previous December. I had a feeling I should go and spend time with her. We were watching TV . . […]

I learned a few years back that writing a book is one thing — but selling it is quite another. To do that, you have to talk to book bloggers, appear on podcasts, attend literary fairs and conduct readings at bookstores. I did all these for the first time during the height of covid-19, and […]

THE ISSUE A column in the Sunday LNP | LancasterOnline Perspective section written by a physician working in Lancaster County examined the alarming rates of maternal and infant mortality in the United States. Dr. Christian Macedonia is a maternal fetal medicine specialist working in private practice. These facts, laid out in Dr. Macedonia’s column, should […]

The 2024 election is shaping up to be much more than a likely rematch between President Biden and former president Donald Trump — or even as a test of their competing visions for U.S. democracy. To a greater extent than perhaps any other moment since the 1920 debate over U.S. entry into the League of […]

I miss my friends. We lost one another somewhere along the way, through the pandemic and politics of the last few years, old boys who had known one another since Little League and caught boatloads of walleyes together on Storm Lake in Iowa. We gathered around a pool table a couple of times a week […]

After three U.S. service members were killed Sunday in a drone attack on a U.S. outpost in the Jordanian desert called Tower 22, calls for removing U.S. troops from that and other regional bases are growing louder. But abandoning these small, strategic bases would only make the region less stable and . . .

When people think about Black history in schools, they might think of the new Advanced Placement African American Studies course that Florida’s education department banned. Or perhaps their minds go back to the student protesters in the 1960s who called for the creation of Black studies courses and departments. But decades before these curricular fights, […]

Dilution of meaning is familiar in a way that can make us feel comfortable, or even worse, comfortably righteous. That’s a feeling the university presidents, or their scriptwriters, might have hoped to invoke. The reliably available terms of disapproval and approval, genocide and patriotism, antisemitism and democracy, convey large scale and importance, but sometimes while […]

Opinion | How Art Creates Us  The New York Times Source link

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