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House Republicans on Thursday laid out plans to investigate Joe and Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings, calling the probe “a top priority” for the GOP in the new Congress. Rep. James Comer (R., Ky.), who will chair the House Oversight Committee next year, said Republicans will explore “all avenues” of the Biden family’s business activity […]

Senate bargainers announced a bipartisan framework Sunday responding to last month’s mass shootings, a modest breakthrough offering measured gun curbs and bolstered efforts to improve school safety and mental health programs. The proposal falls far short of tougher steps long sought by President Joe Biden and many Democrats. Even […]

InnovaFeed​​, which specializes in black soldier flies, is planning to build a large-scale production facility in Decatur, Illinois; while Ÿnsect, which specializes in Buffalo and Molitor mealworms, has just acquired Nebraska-based mealworm hatchery Jord Producers and is scouting for US locations to build its first large protein meal and oil production facility this side of […]

Paris-based InnovaFeed​​, which specializes in black soldier flies, is planning to build a large-scale production facility in Decatur, Illinois; while Ÿnsect, which specializes in Buffalo and Molitor mealworms and is also based in Paris, has just acquired Nebraska-based mealworm hatchery Jord Producers and is scouting for US locations to build its first large protein meal and […]

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