
OPEC is facing growing challenges in its efforts to boost oil prices amid record output outside the alliance, particularly in the U.S., raising questions about how long the alliance can maintain its deep production cuts. OPEC and its allies, OPEC+, failed to reach a unanimous agreement Thursday on cuts, even after delaying the meeting by […]

Margaret Huang, president and chief executive officer of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) and the SPLC Action Fund, took time to share her thoughts with Learning for Justice on the role of public education in building a multiracial, inclusive democracy to advance the human rights of all people. Huang, an experienced human rights and […]

shakara tyler grew up in Philadelphia—a city, like most urban areas, that isn’t known for farming. But a deep-rooted interest in agriculture and a thirst to recover the stories of Black farmers have led her to research and document Black agrarianism and agro-ecology. A lecturer in the University of Michigan School for Environment and Sustainability […]

By: Michelle MartinSource: Special to Michigan News Shakara Tyler, a lecturer in the U-M School for Environment and Sustainability, says Detroit is a very unique city when it comes to urban agriculture. Shakara Tyler, a lecturer in the U-M School for Environment and Sustainability, says Detroit is a very unique city when it comes to […]

Pressed on how the Biden administration’s wartime strategy would change if Russia began making moves toward Moldova, Finer responded that the United States has “shown an ability to be nimble” and “to adjust our assistance and our approach as the Russian war aims have evolved.” “We will continue to do that over time, depending on […]

Zelensky told CNN’s Jake Tapper in an exclusive interview from the office of the president in Kyiv on Friday that Putin could turn to either nuclear or chemical weapons because he does not value the lives of the people of Ukraine. “Not only me — all of the world, all of the countries have to […]

Kherson, a key port city on the Black Sea, in southern Ukraine, was overrun by Russian forces in the early hours of Wednesday, after days of heavy bombardment and shelling. The Ukrainian flag was still hoisted on government buildings, and the mayor of the city, Ihor Kolykhaiev, remained in his post. On Saturday, Kolykhaiev announced . […]

Live updates: US stocks rise as Russia opens possibility of diplomacy  CNN Source link

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