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PRIME MINISTER KIRIL PETKOV: (through translator) Allow me first of all to thank Secretary of Defense of the U.S. Lloyd Austin III because in this critical juncture at the moment he showed real true allied support to Bulgaria and to the Bulgarian government. The war that Putin started put all Europe at-risk. Unfortunately there is […]

Dear fellow Ukrainians! Dear friends! As in the case of individual events in our lives, events in international politics can rarely be described as black or white. But the war that your country has been pushed into is an exception. You are the ones rightfully fighting against the Kremlin’s aggression. You are the ones bravely […]

Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu said on Sunday that Turkey has decided that Russia’s invasion to Ukraine is a “war”.  “Is this a conflict or a war? We decided on that. Article 19 of the Montreux Convention is very clear. This is a war.” he said in a live interview to CNN Turk.  Turkey’s recognition is […]

WASHINGTON, Aug 13 (Reuters) – The U.S. deputy national security adviser met Tunisia’s president on Friday and discussed the urgent need to appoint a prime minister designate to form a capable government, the White House said. The adviser, Jonathan Finer, delivered a message to President Kais Saied from U.S. President Joe Biden, “reaffirming his personal […]

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