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Secretary of State Antony Blinken departed for Beijing on Friday in a long-shot bid to reset the great power rivalry between the United States and China that seems on a bitter path to becoming a civilizational clash between democracy and autocracy. The long-delayed trip, postponed by tensions over

To the Editor: Re “To Keep Plastic Out of Oceans, Start With Rivers,” by Boyan Slat (Opinion guest essay, May 28): When your bathtub is overflowing, what is the first thing you do? Find a mop or turn off the faucet? Unfortunately, Mr. Slat’s projects for in-the-water plastic collection . . .

At Microsoft, we are committed to helping address racial injustice and inequity in the United States for Black and African American communities. As part of the Microsoft Racial Equity Initiative, we use data, technology, and partnerships to help improve the safety and wellbeing of our employees and their communities – including skills and education, broadband […]

The EU is planning an undersea internet cable to improve connectivity to Georgia and reduce dependence on lines running through Russia, amid growing concerns about vulnerabilities to infrastructure transmitting global data. The €45mn cable will link EU member states to the Caucasus via international waters in the Black Sea, stretching a span of 1,100km. The […]

WASHINGTON, May 4 (Reuters) – The American Bankers Association on Thursday urged federal regulators to investigate a spate of significant short sales of publicly traded banking equities that it said were “disconnected from the underlying financial realities.” In a letter to U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Chair Gary Gensler, the lobby group said it had […]

The competition was developed to identify gaps in knowledge and innovative solutions to improving women’s health by reducing EDC exposure risk. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH) Office on Women’s Health (OWH), is awarding the 15 winners for Phase 1 of the […]

An annual net wealth tax could inject half a trillion dollars into the economy In advance of Tax Day, Oxfam called for a US wealth tax to reduce extreme wealth inequality, advance racial justice, tackle the climate crisis, and protect democracy. Oxfam also highlighted how fairer taxation of the ultrawealthy could have prevented the current […]

Commonsense initiative aims to reduce maternal mortality among Black women : NPR Commonsense initiative aims to reduce maternal mortality among Black women An initiative in Boston helps them monitor blood pressure by giving women a blood pressure cuff to take home. (Story aired on Weekend Edition Sunday on March 26, 2023. From Commonsense initiative aims […]

One of the complications contributing to high U.S. maternal mortality among Black women is preeclampsia. A common-sense initiative in Boston gives women a blood pressure cuff to take home. Copyright © 2023 NPR. All rights reserved. Visit our website terms of use and permissions pages at for further information. NPR transcripts are created . […]

A young mother in California’s Antelope Valley bathes her children and dresses them in neat clothes, making sure they look their very best — at medical appointments. “I brush their teeth before they see the dentist. Just little things like that to protect myself from being treated unfairly,” she told researchers. A 72-year-old in Los […]

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