
Ward is classically beautiful — delicate and golden-skinned with her hair hanging in long curls. She is friendly and open yet reserved. Her face is unlined, making her appear much younger than her 46 years. But there are occasions when she sets her jaw and fixes to speak, and you find that she has the […]

“Hip-hop is the folk dance of today,” said Natasha Khamjani, breathing heavily. They’re both social dances created for crowd participation, both also existing on the fringes of the mainstream, she added. Khamjani was taking a quick break during a rehearsal of a high-energy performance blending Bollywood moves and English country dancing with the unmistakable bounce of hip-hop […]

Listening to the Land and Creating Brave Spaces By Pam Moore   In honor of Black History Month, we’re sharing this story of a little-known logging community in Oregon—long a ghost town—and how Whitman students are helping envision the site’s future as a place for learning, creativity and healing.   Tatiana Villegas ’23 was a […]

Erlea Maneros Zabala, Prompt Book (detail), 2016–22, inkjet on acetate, inkjet on paper, inkjet on vellum, ink on vellum, metal tubing, dimensions variable. Photo: Ander Sagastiberri. BORN AND RAISED IN THE BASQUE COUNTRY, Erlea Maneros Zabala relocated to Los Angeles in 2000. I met her briefly in 2007 through Raymond Pettibon. Though we instantly clicked, […]

As we await a decision from the Supreme Court in Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, those working every day on the frontlines are alarmed—but also committed to reimagining reproductive rights in this country. While the two of us come to this movement from different backgrounds and identities, and bring different approaches, we are bound […]

Jordan Davis has a message for her fellow Indiana University seniors: “We are responsible for reimagining our world, and we should not accept the status quo.” She’ll share that message as the student speaker at IU’s spring undergraduate commencement ceremony at 10 a.m. May 7 at Memorial Stadium. The graduate commencement ceremony will take place […]

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