
Many of the country’s historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs) are scattered across the South, in states where Black Americans, in the wake of the Civil War, pooled their resources and finally gained access to higher education. Now, however, their descendants are disproportionately losing their right to reproductive health, students at those schools say.

(RNS) — For Evangelist Lesley W. Monet, the week since the fall of Roe v. Wade has been a time of praise and preparation. For Dr. Miriam Burnett, it has been a time of protest and preparation. Monet, international director of the Church of God in Christ’s Family Life Campaign, recently moved to Tennessee, where […]

Well, many people. Not everyone. Miller’s team insists that the congresswoman misspoke. Regardless of whether that’s correct, her remark sheds light on a wider truth: Roe’s reversal is the result of the conservative movement’s decadeslong efforts to scale back the 20th century civil rights regime and deepen White . . .

Photos: Harvard.eduTwitter Dear Fellow Men, Time to let women speak their minds about the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade. Men have spoken, made rules, passed laws, literally pontificated, and generally exercised dominator control over women far far far too long. Do you want women telling you what you must eat, drink, smoke, or […]

Photos: Harvard.eduTwitter Dear Fellow Men, Time to let women speak their minds about the Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v Wade. Men have spoken, made rules, passed laws, literally pontificated, and generally exercised dominator control over women far far far too long. Do you want women telling you what you must eat, drink, smoke, or […]

Placeholder while article actions load More than 1,000 Jews from progressive to orthodox — including dozens of rabbis — rallied outside the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday for abortion rights, holding signs that read “Thou shalt not steal my rights,” “democracy not theocracy,” and “we will live by the mitzvot, not die by them.”

Tight restrictions on abortion have already placed the procedure out of reach for many Black women in America — obstacles that will grow even more daunting if the landmark Roe v. Wade is overturned.  Across the Black Belt — the Southern states where the echoes of slavery reverberate in legislation that perpetuates political and social […]

In the now-confirmed 98-page draft opinion that could overturn Roe v. Wade, U.S. Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito argues that the Constitution “makes no reference to abortion,” thus the Roe decision was “egregiously wrong” and has had “damaging consequences.” The latter can be said about the myths — rooted . . .

As the Supreme Court appears destined to overturn Roe v. Wade, Black organisations in the South are already working to ensure that Black people’s interests are not overlooked. Black community protests Many Black women in America have already been denied abortion due to restrictive abortion laws; which will become even more difficult if the landmark […]

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