
This week, the world rightfully celebrates Nelson Mandela—a rare leader and a rarer human being. Not only did he have the singular willpower to unite the world behind the struggle against apartheid in South Africa, but he also had the moral fortitude to stay true to his morals and ideals while doing so. But Mandela, […]

Photos: VoiceTwitter I started a new Juneteenth tradition for myself this year. Although I have always acknowledged the day and its importance in our history I usually did so with a slight tinge of bitterness over how it reminded me of an ‘insult added to injury’ for the leaders in Texas not to free their […]

Photos: VoiceTwitter I started a new Juneteenth tradition for myself this year. Although I have always acknowledged the day and its importance in our history I usually did so with a slight tinge of bitterness over how it reminded me of an ‘insult added to injury’ for the leaders in Texas not to free their […]

Source: skynesher / Getty Nearly seven decades after the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision in 1954, the court’s declared goal of integrated education is still not yet achieved. American society continues to grow . . .

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