
“Viasat Inc. has more than $1 billion of orbiting satellites in trouble,” reports Bloomberg, “and space insurers are girding for market-rattling claims.” The company’s roughly $1 billion ViaSat-3 Americas satellite, central to expanding its fixed-broadband coverage and fending off rivals including Elon Musk’s Starlink, suffered an unexpected problem as it deployed its antenna in orbit […]

This is the brutal fact: The world does not reward emotion. If it did, the Palestinians would have had their country a long time ago. The world rewards emotion only when that emotion is used as a tool to complement preparedness. The Jews, starting from Theodor Herzl in the 19th century, built their Zionist movement […]

In the late 19th century, European empires colonized large parts of Africa primarily through violence and destruction. Many Africans resisted and fought against European colonization and laws, but European empires hardened. After World War I, while the Western world accepted President Woodrow Wilson’s ideals of self-determination, this was not extended to Africans. Story continues below […]

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