
Black and white Americans have vastly different views on the legacy of slavery in the U.S. and its effects on descendants of slaves, polling by YouGov finds. While about half of Americans think slavery continues to influence society at least a fair amount — and nearly half believe that Black Americans still face discrimination in […]

The law enforcement response to last year’s attack on the U.S. Capitol “would have been different” if the rioters were Black instead of mostly White pro-Trump supporters, House Sergeant-at-Arms William Walker, who led the D.C. National Guard during the incident, told the Jan. 6 Committee. In a newly released transcript dated from April, Mr. Walker […]

House Sergeant-at-Arms William J. Walker, formerly the head of the Washington, D.C., National Guard on

WASHINGTON — The House sergeant at arms, who was head of the D.C. National Guard during the attack on the U.S. Capitol, told the Jan. 6 committee that the law enforcement response would have looked much different had the rioters been Black Americans. “I’m African American. Child of the sixties. I think it would have […]

Ian Rockett has spent much of his career working closely with coroners and medical examiners researching the epidemiology of suicide. One of the questions the West Virginia University investigator has pondered over many years in the field is why the rate of suicide among Black people in the U.S. is recorded as a third of […]

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