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This year’s extreme disasters are prime examples of how families are bearing the brunt of the climate crisis in the U.S., where American Red Cross volunteers have worked 24/7 to provide shelter, food and care. For many, the free services provided by Red Cross volunteers are a lifeline, especially for those who are already struggling […]

Once a week, month after month, for a decade, the five volunteers would go to work. Sifting through boxes at a South Side funeral home, surrounded by caskets in a side room, they sorted and organized the paper burial records of thousands and thousands of Black Chicagoans, determined to preserve those important pieces of history. […]

A 5-year-old girl’s drawing at a summer camp in Poland’s capital caught the eye of one of her counselors. Why did she use black and white, and not red or pink, to make a heart, Rabbi Ilana Baird asked the child. The girl, sighing heavily, said it was black like the dog she left behind […]

The UNC-CH Peer Support Core is looking for student volunteers willing to lend an empathetic listening ear to their peers, help peers identify their own needs, subsequently access relevant campus and community resources, and provide ongoing support as requested. Deadline is May 22. Join the team to support your peers! The University of North Carolina […]

US volunteers have been seen in video footage from the frontlines in Ukraine, suggesting that the international legion fighting alongside the Ukrainian army is playing an increasingly active role. Two video clips featuring US fighters appeared on Twitter on Thursday: one showing an American in combat gear posing in front of the burnt remains of […]

Black Women for Black Lives, a new coalition focused on helping Black residents escape Ukraine in the wake of the Russian invasion, amplified the students’ pleas to the international community with the hashtag #SaveSumyStudents. The group started a Change.org petition, which received thousands of supporters, calling on governments to urgently respond to the crisis. And […]

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