Merging AI with Holographic Technology
Written by Black Hot Fire Network on January 11, 2025
Black History Month is here to enlighten the mind,
A time of learning for all of mankind.
Artificial intelligence pushes the boundaries of what history claims to be.
Holograms can immerse us with the truth of what our eyes have failed to see.
Black History Month is designated to remember the contributions, achievements, and struggles of African Americans throughout America’s history. But can it be more effective, accurate and interactive by using artificial intelligence (AI) and holographic technology?
During a 2005 interview broadcast on the CBS television network’s ’60 Minutes’ news magazine program, the Academy Award-winning actor Morgan Freeman made some fascinating comments:
- The concept of Black History Month is ‘ridiculous’.
- ‘Which month is white history month?’
- ‘Black history is American history’.
The precursor to Black History Month was created in 1926 when the historian Carter Woodson and the Association for the Study of Negro Life and History (ASALH) announced the second week of February to be “Negro History Week.” This week was chosen as it coincided with the birthdates of former US President Abraham Lincoln and Frederick Douglas, the national leader of the abolitionist movement in Massachusetts and New York.
Woodson had argued that the teaching of black history was essential to ensure the physical and intellectual survival of the race within broader society. Woodson devoted much of his life to historical research. He worked to preserve the history of African Americans and also accumulated a collection of thousands of artifacts and publications. He commented that African-American contributions “were overlooked, ignored, and even suppressed by the writers of history textbooks and the teachers who use them.”
Being a British-Indian man and considering I was not alive during the struggles of black people in those days, I cannot begin to fully understand the struggles and accomplishments encountered in the past. The new generation among us is a generation which perhaps generally isn’t as aware of the sacrifices, struggles, and the real truth behind black history. Fortunately, people with first-hand knowledge are still present among us. Their life experience provides a far richer and more accurate depiction of black history.
Forbes contributor, Rajinder Tumber, has interviewed some of today’s black influencers to share their views. They are:
Black History Month reminds me that a month isn’t enough, or the answer. There is only one history and it’s inclusive. Teaching and knowing this history isn’t about doing the black thing, it’s about doing the right thing. Ultimately, history is the only thing I think we can learn from, in order to guide our future. This might be an inconvenient truth for some, but it’s a truth nonetheless. In leadership terms, Black History Month tells me that leaders should lead all the people all the time; not some of the people some of the time.
Serena Lee, editorial assistant of Black History Month Magazine:
I’m a fashion and cultural historian and only last month, I was asked: “Do black people have fashion history?” Questions like this reveal the importance of Black History Month.
Originated in the US in 1926 by historian Carter G. Woodson and in 1987 in the UK by Akyaaba Addai-Sebo, both dedicated to research and elevation of the black community. The concept has since progressed as a time for reflection and celebration, recognising the many inventions, accomplishments and creative contributions from people of African descent.
In the UK and in the US, there is a sense of historical amnesia on the black experience. The only black history I was taught at school was slavery and the civil rights leader Martin Luther King. For me, a month is not long enough to exemplify fully the influences and experiences of a global community. Thankfully, history is more accessible than ever, online blogs, social media and outlets like are dedicated to celebrating black history all year round.
Ultimately, regardless of race, British and American histories are shaped in profound ways by the African diaspora experience. Black History Month is a necessary lens to appreciate what shaped and informed aspects of our shared cultures and identities; it focuses the nation’s attention on the wider and positive aspects of black culture that are rarely visible. Black history is an important source of information and its existence should never be questioned.
Naki Kaddu, director of DIDA Sports Organisation C.I.C:
Being of dual heritage (Ugandan-Irish) Black History Month for me is the time for acknowledging the significant journeys, opportunities and contributions made by all black communities.
Samuel Osisanya, Men’s Classic Physique Champion of Joe Weider’s Olympia Amateur UK 2018:
Black History Month? To many people, it is a day to celebrate, because our ancestors helped to make a difference in history. These changes that they created, by standing up for their beliefs, has today helped millions of us to be seen as equals to many. In addition, this has helped people to understand that regardless of our differences, we are all humans. To me, Black History Month is a month to be celebrated and remembered, because I have learn from history to stand up for my beliefs and that I should fight for my dreams.
David Forgie, director of Crown Jewel Barbers, echoes the comments of Morgan Freeman:
Who is black? What determines who is called black? And who gets to make that determination? For the so-called black history month to be acknowledged to have any semblance of credibility, these questions must be answered with clear plausible, convincing and conclusive evidence. If being black is based on the colour of the skin, why are Indians and Sri Lankans not called Black, for example? When looked at in this context, it becomes evident and clear that the celebration of a so-called black history month is little more than a condescending token gesture to the people of West African ancestry who have been robbed of the basic dignity to exist as free human beings.
These diverse, and yet compelling comments from these black influencers should make us contemplate the depth of which Black History Month has been portrayed over the years.
I believe we can go back further than a few hundred years to the time beyond slavery. For example, Egypt is in Africa. Ancient Egypt was an advanced and wealthy society. Perhaps Black History Month could include this period? Before you ask where the connection between ancient Egypt and America lies, I ask you to refer to potential evidence of ancient Egyptian mummies being found with traces of tobacco and other substances, by German scientists in 1992. Considering these substances are known to grow in America, it’s reasonable to assume a relationship which goes so far back in time.
Can AI be used to help communities to remember history in a more accurate, interactive, and immersive manner? Yes. Fusing artificial intelligence with holographic technology can provide a more accurate understanding of the past. This especially applies to those who are not of African American origin and therefore viewing history through a more distant lens.
This proposed AI and holographic system could store and project a vast array of data including:
- Wooden‘s vast collection of thousands of artifacts and publications
- Manuscripts/legends from ancient Egypt and neighbouring nations in Africa, e.g. Dogon tribe in Mali
- Video footage and publications from the national archives or other source, of influential figures who are no longer with us, e.g. Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, Muhammad Ali, Michael Jackson, Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, Phillis Wheatley, Afeni Shakur, Zora Neale Hurston, Thurgood Marshall, James Baldwin, Harriet Tubman, Ella Baker, Shirley Chisholm, Madam C.J. Walker, E.B. Du Bois, and Maya Angelou.
- Video footage and publications from influential figures who are still with us, e.g. former US president Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Stevie Wonder, Halle Berry, Serena Williams, Denzel Washington, Will Smith, Whoopi Goldberg, Diana Ross, Eddie Murphy, Michael Jordan, Jay Z, Mike Tyson, Chris Tucker, Dre, Martin Lawrence, Shaquille O’Neal, Wesley Snipes, Idris Elba, Sidney Poitier, and more.
- Publications from established African American authors
- Verbal work/testimonies from people of the older generation
Layers of artificial neural networks can allow deep learning algorithms to analyse data and create accurate depth maps that project colour footage reconstructing key events, figures, and scenes from African Americans history in high-resolution.
For example, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King met in Washington D.C. on 26th March 1964. After a press conference, both leaders attended the Senate to listen to the debate on the Civil Rights Bill. Wouldn’t you like to be able to stand beside Malcolm X and Martin Luther King at this very point, ask them questions, and listen to the debate?
Utilising AI’s machine learning, natural language processing, computer modelling and cognitive psychology, it could be possible for us to interact with holographic versions of heroes such as Martin Luther King. They could even be programmed to answer questions. Holograms can use facial recognition software to gauge reactions while you ask questions, so Martin Luther King’s answer will change accordingly. While you talk to Dr. King, other observers could view and interact with different areas of the projected scene.
I believe the merging of AI with holographic technology presents an unprecedented opportunity for:
- Younger generations to appreciate the rights we have taken for granted
- Remembering the determination and struggle experienced by earlier generations
- Reflecting on and celebrating the contributions of past heroes
- Providing African Americans (and/or any other race) with knowledge and wisdom for future growth
Crowd-funding could lead each nation to build a centre to house this AI and holographic marvel. Wouldn’t it be worthwhile for your children and future generations? Perhaps this system could also be developed for integration with smartphone screens, thus producing an AI-holographic device in your pocket. Why don’t we work together to make this happen?